Log House Building Videos

These clips are mp4's

Please note: Audio is fragmented from editing short digital clips out of long VHS tapes (old technology 1989)

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  1.  Logging 1991  (last trip of 25 trips)                    6:07
  2.  Foundation timbers, floor joists, blocking               6:59
  3.  Blocking, hardboard to hold insulation, insulation       5:03
  4.  Subfloor, water pipes, more insulation                   6:56
  5.  Paint and tarpaper on floor for winter                   1:00
  6.  Cut and peel logs, mortise & tenon joints                6:35
  7.  Flatting a log, more mortise & tenon joints              3:36
  8.  First log goes up, raise bents  (log frame)              7:41
  9.  Connecting girts between bents                           6:09
  10.  Rafters delivered, raise front window logs               5:18
  11.  Shave down timbers, install knee braces                  4:24
  12.  Install top plates (timbers) with Genie Lift             4:29
  13.  Upright logs to install ridge-beam                       6:05
  14.  Rafters and blocking                                     5:30
  15.  Prow front outboard rafter, log walls go up              4:45
  16.  Exterior log walls go up                                 5:09
  17.  More log walls go up                                     4:25
  18.  Cut rafters for shed wings , install top plates          2:37
  19.  Blocking, pine on rafters, tarpaper roofs                5:18
  20.  Build log wall for round window, cut opening             4:09
  21.  Den & loft framing, cut 2nd round window hole            6:10
  22.  Hanging knee braces, build grid on roof                  2:11
  23.  Plywood and insulation on all four roofs                 7:06
  24.  Install metal roofing                                    5:39
  25.  Install round windows, build door jambs                  6:12
  26.  More door jambs, window sills, build front door          6:37
  27.  Build and install doors                                  2:01
  28.  Cut, stain, and install window stops                     5:31
  29.  More window sills, more stops                            4:50
  30.  Glass delivery, large window glass installation          2:41
  31.  French door installation, apex windows                   5:34
  32.  House burned down, level the site                        4:20
  33.  New concrete foundation piers go in                      5:15
  34.  Foundation timbers connect piers                         2:12
  35.  Floor beams, floor joists, netting, insulation           4:18
  36.  Logging for 2nd house 1995                               6:38
  37.  Logging continued                                        4:06
  38.  Logging continued                                        3:21
  39.  Logging continued                                        3:13
  40.  Logging continued                                        5:18
  41.  Logging continued                                        6:03
  42.  Logging continued                                        6:49
  43.  Huge logs                                                1:42
  44.  Final major logging trip                                 2:34
  45.  Shave timbers down, mortise & tenon joints               2:40
  46.  Four bents go up                                         5:27
  47.  Connecting girts, top plates (timbers)                   5:44
  48.  Install ridge-beam, exterior log walls                   3:49
  49.  Rafters, roof plywood, den walls                         4:16
  50.  Minor logging trip, install ceiling pine                 2:50
  51.  Staircase, entrance archway, curved door header          3:06
  52.  Another curved header, pass-bar, batten doors            3:05
  53.  Doors and windows                                        3:21
  54.  Large window glass installation                          2:34
  55.  Round windows                                            2:57
  56.  Dorothy, 50, hamming it up                               0:55
Note: Filming ends here — borrowed camera had to be returned